After having yesterday's conversation with my father here I am unable to sleep and tossing in the bed. Finally, after thinking much I decided to do the message.
Hey, can we meet tomorrow? I have something important to discuss with you. - Aradhya
Yup, sure at 12:00 P.M in the same cafe. - unknown
Ok Good night -Aradhya
Sending the message I kept my phone at the table near the bedside. You people might be confused about who is this unknown person I am messaging. To clear your confusion I myself don't know the relationship with the person. Actually, he and I started our relationship in college. We were friends and then one day we got into a relationship. It was something we realized that yes we have feelings for each other and everything just started. Nobody confessed anything to each other it just suddenly started. Yes, I know it's weird but it is how everything happened. When we were in college we were pretty closed and then the job started. It was a long-distance relationship and slowly we became distant. We use to call each other when we have time. Sometimes we might go without messaging and calling for more than one week.
So in short now we are in something called a complicated relationship. He doesn't communicate much of his feelings. Sometimes it looks like we are couples and sometimes we behave like friends. We didn't concentrate much on our relationship as we decided that marriage was not an option in the initial phase. At that time I thought my family will never agree with love marriage and his family will not agree because of the caste system. Yes, you read right in today's era also caste system is still there in many parts of India.
But yesterday when dad asked regarding marriage I thought why not just talk and try. We were friends basically and why not give it a shot. I thought instead of spending my life with a total stranger why not spend it with someone whom I know. Thinking about all these things I finally drifted to sleep.
Today I woke up without any alarm clock and now here I am getting reading. I decided to wear something casual with a white and blue combination along with a pair of shoes.
As usual, nobody will be at home so I felt relaxed as no one will notice my absence. I booked a cab for the place and now here I am sitting in the cafe thinking whether it was a good decision or not. I sometimes feel that is why I overthink in every situation but I am helpless. It is just in my nature and I cannot change it.
"Hey" my chain of thoughts was broken when someone sat in front of my chair. "Hi Rishi, How are you?" I tried to start the conversation. "I am good so how's life going," he said with a smile on his face. "You know how it is so " I was interrupted when his phone rang. He excused himself and pick the call. He was wearing a formal outfit and he is even more handsome than before. His black hair is neatly styled and the most important part is his blue eyes which are very rear here.
(I imagined him wearing something like this.)
"Ok, I will be there" saying that he ended the call. With a smile, he said, "Sorry we need to cut this short". "No issues we can do this another time" or maybe never I thought in my mind.
"No, you can continue so what you were saying" he tried to bring the topic again.
Oh god, I need to do this. I thought to run away or change the topic but thinking about spending a future with some unknown person I gathered my courage and said " Actually Dad is trying to search for potential suitors for the marriage but he asked if there is someone. There is no pressure and I know we decided all this and it is so stupid to ask you if there by any chance there is any possibility. You can say no if you are not interested .." I babble everything.
He kept his hand over my hand to stop mine and then I realized what I was doing. Taking a sigh he said "First of all relax and you know the situation already and it is very difficult to make my parents understand. I am sorry but it will not be possible. We can continue to be friends but to turn it into marriage will be difficult." When he was saying all these I knew deep inside my heart that he won't want to even give him a shot. Maybe I am not worthy enough.
Trying to hold my tears I flashed him a smile and said " No issues. I was just trying and thank you for everything and it was a good time that I spent with you. Let's meet some other time".
"Ya sure ok see ya" saying that he got and went outside.
I just thought about what happened and what to do next. Every moment we spent together was coming back. This is really funny how life has become. At one moment I want to run to him and beg to try and at another moment I want to let go. Will moving on will be easy? Can someone will ever love me to an extent where he can fight for me. Keeping all these thoughts aside I took my decision.
Holding the phone next to me I messaged dad saying he can start his search and with that, I went to my home.
Author's note:
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